What Can I Do to Be Healthier?

I know that I can eat smaller portions and exercise more. I know this, but actually doing it is so very hard. If my husband bakes a crust-less quiche and I have a quarter of the pie as a serving, that’s not wonderful calorie-wise, but it’s okay. When I then agree to have another quarter so we don’t have leftovers to deal with, that’s where my will power folds.

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Make Your Pet Part of Your Writing Routine

Dogs, cats, birds, fish, lizards; people find it easy to connect to animals. As writers, we possibly do so more often and with a deeper connection because our imaginations are always open to special connections. Romance writing is focused on recognizing a connection between two (or more) beings.

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Surrender to Your Story

Maybe authors experience writer’s block when they try to make their story go in the direction they think it should go. If you do the whole outline and synopsis work you may get the idea that you are in charge of your story, but inspiration comes from many places in the universe. The best way to write is to open your mind, get out of your own way, and surrender.

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Joining a “Different” Writing Group

Several times over the last several decades, I have joined the San Diego chapter of Romance Writers of America. Through them, I have had the pleasure of hearing many great authors speak, and participating in workshops that have shown me a lot about the craft of writing Romance. And I have made friends with lots of other writers.

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The Best Friend

Some stories are told through the point of view of someone close to the main characters. Think of the original Sherlock Holmes stories, all told from the point of view of everyone’s favorite dim bulb, Dr. John Watson. Due to Watson’s lack of deductive skills, he could not give away any more than the bare minimum details on each case. He was brilliant at that.

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Writers Need Cups with Messages

Now, more than ever before, I need my coffee to start my day. Living in a month of Sundays time, defining my days is much more important then ever. I label all my Facebook posts by the day of the week when they will appear. I need coffee so I can wake up enough and read the days on my posts. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Continue reading “Writers Need Cups with Messages”

Book Club Books

You didn’t realize that when I joined a book club, so did you, in an off-handed way. I can’t believe the books I am reading that I never would have picked up without the requirement to read these for the club. Oh, the places I’ve gone. Really. I suggest you find a local book club and join up and even if you can’t get to the meetings, read the books! We have one over-achiever in the club who reads all the books nominated! Continue reading “Book Club Books”

Mysterious Galaxy Part Two: Sir Terry Pratchett

Last time I wrote about the recent, still fresh in my mind, book signing by the funny man Christopher Moore. A week after the event, and I continue to be optimistic and happy due to that encounter. So it’s time to bring me down a notch. I’m going back a number of years here, so my memories may be less accurate. Continue reading “Mysterious Galaxy Part Two: Sir Terry Pratchett”