Writers Need Media Followers

As a writer, I blog, I tweet, and I post on Facebook regularly. I have 200 followers on Twitter, but that’s more about politics right now. I have 450 followers on WordPress for my writing blog. I have 68 followers on my Roxanna Haley FB page and 14 on my D.L. Hungerford page. That page I recently had to shut down the original one because Facebook was making changes to their scheduling codes without telling anyone. I started this one but not many people caught that I was switching pages. I think I can merge them now, so I will see if that brings my numbers up. Continue reading “Writers Need Media Followers”

Virtual Writing Groups

You may have heard me speaking about various online groups like Scribophile and the National Novel Writing Month various activities. I love the heck out of these because when the unexpected happened, I still had connections to my writing friends. I started sprinting for 30 minutes twice every day. I’m almost half way to my goal of 10K words for April. Lots of good things have come to me from these great connections. Continue reading “Virtual Writing Groups”

New Year, New Words

Starting with this first Thursday in January 2020, I am going to gather tips from the far reaches of the Intertubes that will help any writer to be more productive. We are so easily distracted and when we come down to a deadline, we almost never use our time wisely. So let’s get looking and see what treasures await the pure of heart, the strong of spirit, and the rest of us jokers. Continue reading “New Year, New Words”

Talking Trash

NaNoWriMo has me typing my fingers off, so you are getting repeats. I selected this one based on the football-related graphics.  Enjoy! — DLH

The internet, especially social media sites like Facebook, open up a world where arguments run rampant and you might find yourself trying to defend a person or an idea for hours or days at a time. Why? Because the other person started it. And you are going to finish it.

101517 !real life Continue reading “Talking Trash”

Musical Interlude

Lots of authors these days include playlists with their books so you can get a full experience of what they listened to while writing. I mostly listen to thunderstorms and rain, because that makes me more creative, it seems. I hear Mozart is also good. Finding music that my Regency characters would have sung or played on the piano-forte is a bit of a challenge. And are my contemporary characters more like me, and prefer the music they listened to as teens and young adults? Continue reading “Musical Interlude”

Fonts, Past and Present

I almost called this Little Lord Font LeRoy. Aren’t you glad I resisted? Fonts are a huge part of branding your novels, but there’s so much out there to look through and choose from. What’s important here is your genre and sub-genre. You certainly don’t want a silly-looking typeface when you are selling a romantic suspense. Continue reading “Fonts, Past and Present”

My Facebook Life

Back when I was a budding new writer, four years ago or so, I was told by published authors that Twitter is a place to meet peers and Facebook is the place to find your readers. So on top of blogging, you need an author page and regular posts about life, not so much about your books that are for sale. That same author demonstrated how to line up a week’s worth of posts scheduled for every day of the week. Me: I can do this! Continue reading “My Facebook Life”